
It’s That Time Again

going local again

For the second year in a row, Liz and I are “Going Local.” For one week, we are challenging ourselves to only eat foods harvested within a 100 mile radius of our homes and tracking our progress on Check it out!

Going for Gold

On Saturday we attended the 2nd Annual Dog Olympics, an event put on by Paws & Think (the wonderful organization I first mentioned here). Despite the hot and humid day, dogs enjoyed participating in such events as the Tennis Ball Race and Bobbing for Hot Dogs.

Skyler is pretty timid at high-energy events like these, with dogs running around off leash, but she behaved pretty well overall, and was perfectly content cheering on her furry friends from the sidelines. She also was happy that Three Dog Bakery was one of the vendors, and we got her a new bag of her favorite treats.

On the Horizon


August 8th was my last day at Pulse Creative Partners. After two and a half great years, I have decided to step out on my own as a sole proprietor and launch my own web design and development business — specializing in web sites, e-newsletters and professional blogs.

I am currently taking new clients, so contact me if you are interested in working together. Otherwise, stay tuned for changes to this web site and other news on the business front.

A Recipe For Wellness

A Recipe For Wellness

Another day, another site launched. A Recipe for Wellness is a holistic health and nutrition company owned by the lovely Maya Bradstreet. The informational site lists not only her services, but also features a calendar of events and a blog. So check out the site (and don’t be surprised if the logo looks familiar).

The Coffeehouse Investor

The Coffeehouse Investor

As I mentioned earlier this week, I have been wrapping up and launching a lot of sites at work. The most recent one, The Coffeehouse Investor, was just launched yesterday. This site is based on a book by Bill Schultheis and his recommended steps and strategies for successful investing. I developed the site with WordPress integrated so that the page content, blog and “buzz” links can all be easily updated by the client. Stop on by the Coffeehouse and check it out.


Megan W Blog

I’ve been launching sites left and right at work lately, and some them are certainly worth mentioning even though they haven’t been added to my portfolio. Megan W Blog was designed and developed for a very talented local photographer. It is powered by WordPress with a spiffy navigation plugin from PixoPoint. Two other sites that I also wrapped up are the simple yet effective web sites for Curd Brothers and CoLucid Pharmaceuticals.

The Chipmunk Diet

Waiting for Chipmunks

When I took Skyler to the vet last weekend for a routine nail trim (because $12 is SO worth it considering it takes Andy and I at least an hour to do it) I was surprised to see that she had lost a few pounds. At 28 pounds, Skyler is always teetering on the line between a healthy weight and being a bit chubby so this was good news. Our vet said that typically dogs lose weight in the winter, especially if they love being outside because they burn calories staying warm. Based on how much Skyler loves the snow (seen here and here) you would think the pounds would just melt off in the winter months, but for her, not so much.

I am certain that Skyler’s weight loss is a direct result of what I like to call “The Chipmunk Diet.” No, no, I would never let Skyler eat these furry little nuisances that kill our rose bushes and are wreaking havoc on our brick patio, but chasing them is certainly one of her favorite summer time activities. She will flush them out of the iris (shown in the photo above) and then scurry after them. But the end of the chase is always the same. They scamper into one of our downspouts at which point she barks at the downspout (and I question her intelligence) or she will patiently lay there, WAITING (until she is called to come inside).

Drawer Pulls and Door Trim

I am starting to get used to not having to open a cabinet door to get a glass, or open a drawer to grab a spoon (which are conveniently located on the countertop). We are making some serious progress on our kitchen renovation project (see photos here), but there is still work to be done.

The drawers still need a top coat (they have been primed twice) and have the hardware added. Additionally, now that all the cabinets are white, it has become obvious that the trim around the kitchen needs to be painted white as well (it’s currently the same dark brown that the cabinets were.) Once we do that, then the only room in the house with brown trim will be the utility/laundry room, so that trim (and window) will need a coat of white as well.

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